Securing your WordPress site is such an important step when you're getting started. After countless hours getting your website all set up, and tons of effort on getting an audience to visit it, the last thing you want to happen is to have your site go down because it wasn't secure.
One of my favorite plugins for securing WordPress sites is Sucuri. One of the biggest reasons why I personally love it, is because its FREE! Follow the steps below to get this plugin installed on your website quickly.
Click the button to the left for an interactive e-learning!
To get started, you first have to access the back-end portion of your site. You can do so by clicking on the site title on the menu bar at the top left of the screen.
Next, you'll want to go to the "Plugins" screen, which is located on the menu on the left hand side of the screen.
Once you're in the plugin menu, you need to select "Add New" from the top of the screen.
Next, we're going to search for the "Sucuri" plugin, just like in the picture below.
Once the search results populate, you should see one that looks like this. Locate it on your screen, and select "Install"
It will take a minute to install, and once it has finished, the "Install" button, will turn into a button that says "Activate." Click that when it appears.
You'll notice that your plugin has been installed and activated once it shows up on the left-hand side menu. When you see it there, click on it to navigate to it's dashboard page.
The very last step is to generate the API key, and to have it start working. This is like registering it. The button to do that is on the top right, and is featured in the picture below.
Nice job! You've just installed, activated, and registered your free Sucuri plugin!